The following fugitives are wanted for non-violent offenses.
If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to submit it by clicking on the Submit A Tip button below or call Hays County Crime Stoppers Tip line at 1-800-324-8744.
You will not give your name so you can remain anonymous. HAYS COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS may pay a cash reward of up to $1000 for the arrest of the felon(s).
If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to submit it by clicking on the Submit A Tip button below or call Hays County Crime Stoppers Tip line at 1-800-324-8744.
You will not give your name so you can remain anonymous. HAYS COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS may pay a cash reward of up to $1000 for the arrest of the felon(s).