The following fugitives are wanted for crimes against children related offenses.
If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to submit it by clicking on the Submit A Tip button below or call Hays County Crime Stoppers Tip line at 1-800-324-8744.
You will not give your name so you can remain anonymous. HAYS COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS may pay a cash reward of up to $1000 for the arrest of the felon(s).
If you have any information about these crimes or any person(s) involved, you are urged to submit it by clicking on the Submit A Tip button below or call Hays County Crime Stoppers Tip line at 1-800-324-8744.
You will not give your name so you can remain anonymous. HAYS COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS may pay a cash reward of up to $1000 for the arrest of the felon(s).