In 2025, with the help of concerned citizens and the media, law enforcement officers were able to arrest subjects in conjunction with the Hays County Crime Stoppers program!  Thank you for your support and commitment to keeping our communities, schools, and businesses safe!


In 2024, with the help of concerned citizens and the media, law enforcement officers were able to arrest 102 subjects in conjunction with the Hays County Crime Stoppers program!  Thank you for your support and commitment to keeping our communities, schools, and businesses safe!


In 2023, with the help of concerned citizens and the media, law enforcement officers were able to arrest 60 subjects in conjunction with the Hays County Crime Stoppers program!  Thank you for your support and commitment to keeping our communities, schools, and businesses safe!


In 2022, with the help of concerned citizens and the media, law enforcement officers were able to arrest 50 subjects in conjunction with the Hays County Crime Stoppers program!  Thank you for your support and commitment to keeping our communities, schools, and businesses safe!


We have included this guide to help understand the abbreviated offense titles for those arrested.


AADW: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Aban/End Child: Abandon/Endanger Child
Agg Aslt: Aggravated Assault
Agg Sex Aslt: Aggravated Sexual Assault
Aslt: Assault
Burg Build: Burglary of a Building
Burg Hab: Burglary of a Habitation
Burg Veh: Burglary of a Vehicle
DWI: Driving While Intoxicated
DWLI: Driving While License Invalid
DWLS: Driving While License Suspended
EOCA: Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity
Evad/Det: Evading Arrest/Detention
Indec: Indecency
Inj Child/Elder/Disable: Injury to a Child/Elderly/Disabled Person
MAN/DEL CS: Manufacture/Delivery of a Controlled Substance
MIC: Minor in Consumption
MIP: Minor in Possession
Par Vio: Parole Violation
POCS: Possession of a Controlled Substance
POM: Possession of Marijuana
Prob Vio: Probation Violation
Sex Aslt: Sexual Assault
UCW: Unlawful Carrying Weapon
UUMV: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle

Offense Descriptors

BI: Bodily Injury
Exp: Exposure
FV: Family Violence
PG: Penalty Group
Sex Con: Sexual Contact
SBI: Serious Bodily Injury
TDCJ: Texas Department of Criminal Justice


BF: Bond Forfeiture
BC: Bond Condition or Bailiff's Certificate
BV: Bond Violation
BI: Bond Increase
INDICT: Indictment
FTA: Failure to Appear
RS: Release of Surety
MTA/MTAG: Motion to Adjudicate or Motion to Adjudicate Guilt
MTR/MTRP: Motion to Revoke or Motion to Revoke Probation

Level of Offense

F1: 1st Degree Felony
F2: 2nd Degree Felony
F3: 3rd Degree Felony
SJF: State Jail Felony
MA: Class A Misdemeanor
MB: Class B Misdemeanor
MC: Class C Misdemeanor